Job Opportunities

The McLean Community Center is an agency of Fairfax County Government. The following positions are now being advertised.

To apply for these positions, please follow the instructions given on the website.

SAIL Program Leader

SAIL stands for Stay Active and Independent For Life! The SAIL exercise class is a strength, balance, and fitness program for community dwelling older adults that meets two to three times per work for one hour.

The SAIL program is suitable for diverse participants (e.g., age, gender, functional status) and targets community-dwelling older adults and people with a history of falls. The SAIL program is appropriate for all older adults who need a strength and balance program to remain active and to reduce the risk of falling.

Classes are led by qualified SAIL Program Leader who has completed SAIL training. The SAIL Program Leader Training workshop is completed in one 5-hour workshop. The training workshop provides an overview of the SAIL Program and prepares participants to deliver a SAIL Program in their organization or community.

In order to be a SAIL trained leader, they will need to go through Marymount to be certified SAIL Program leader.

If you or anyone you know is interested, please email your resume to
