How to Register

1. Online 24/7
Just click on the “Register” button in the upper right corner of any page of our website, or from a webpage that describes an activity, click on the blue Activity Number.
Refer to the online registration instructions for detailed information on how to use our registration site to register. Online registration begins at midnight on the registration start date.

2. By Mail
Complete a standard registration form, found on the inside of the back of our program guide, and mail it along with payment in the form of a check, money order or credit card (Visa, MasterCard or American Express numbers are required, along with an expiration date, CVV/CVC code, and your name as it appears on the card) to:
McLean Community Center
1234 Ingleside Avenue
McLean VA 22101

3. In-Person/Drop-Off
You may register in person at the Center from 8 a.m. – closing, Monday through Friday. You may drop off a completed registration form and payment in the form of a check, money order or credit card (Visa, MasterCard or American Express numbers are required, along with expiration date) to the Registration Box located in the lobby of the center.
For questions about classes or instructors, please write:
For questions about registering, please write:
For refunds, please write:
Please Note
- Open registration dates apply to ALL registration options.
- Members of one household should register using one adult member of the family's name with each registration.
- All mail-in and drop-off registrations received prior to the start date for either district resident or nonresident registration, will be held and processed on the first day of registration.
- Registrations will be opened in order of the postmarked date.
- Instructors may not accept registration forms.
Online Registration Instructions
Financial Assistance is Available
Like other communities, Dranesville Small District 1A residents sometimes find they are in need of financial assistance in order to attend MCC-sponsored programs and activities. We want to facilitate participation for everyone! When registering for a class or purchasing tickets to an Alden Theatre performance, you can request to receive a subsidy by writing to:
For purposes of public accountability, we will ask that you sign an affidavit to document your stated need. Always keep in mind that financial assistance is available to help you be a part of our fantastic programs, so don’t hesitate to inquire.