Friends of MCC
For over 50 years, Friends of the McLean Community Center has been committed to the Center and its many programs and activities. If you too believe the MCC is one of McLean’s greatest assets, show your support and join Friends today! Become a part of this legacy of achievement and support.
Over the years, Friends of the MCC has made many things possible…
- The Alden Theatre's Steinway grand piano is a wonderful example of Friends having funds at the ready to take advantage of an exceptional opportunity.
- Friends raised nearly $100,000 in order for the Center to construct a balcony in the Alden Theatre. This gift allowed the theatre to expand its seating capacity by 100.
- In 1964 MCC, Inc. (Friends) was founded with the intent to build a community center in McLean. On October 19, 1975, that dream was realized at the opening day ceremonies.
- Friends, McLean & Great Falls Celebrate Virginia, and the McLean Historical Society provided funding for sixty-four custom-framed and captioned early McLean photographs for the 2010 McLean Centennial. This exhibit, now on permanent display in the Center's Maffitt and Stedman Rooms, is the largest collection of such photographs in Fairfax County.
- Cooking classes, special events, and social functions have benefited from the Friends $60,000 donation towards the construction and furnishing of the community hall's banquet kitchen. In addition, Friends provided for the installation of acoustical panels in the Center's meeting rooms.
- To enhance Center programs, Friends has provided volunteers for, and hosted, special functions such as post performance receptions for the Alden Theatre and the Center's annual swing dance.
- In 2012 Friends commissioned a portrait of McLean Civic Complex visionary and MCC pioneer Robert Ames Alden to be placed in the Center's lobby.
Support the McLean Community Center
Like many tax-based institutions, the McLean Community Center receives additional support from Friends like You. Your $25 tax-deductible family membership lets others know you support the Center and that you want to make sure that, as opportunities and needs arise, there is money to act quickly to address them. In appreciation of your support, Friends members receive special benefits including discounts for select Alden Theatre events as well as fee waivers for Adult Learning Program classes. Your membership will be current through the year.

Become a Friends Volunteer
One way you can support the McLean Community Center is to become a Friends volunteer. We always need volunteers to help at the Friends booth at McLean Day and at ArtFest, as well as at dances and receptions. There are also numerous MCC events such as the Antiques and Crafts Shows, where helping hands are always needed at the admission table. Maybe you would be interested in assisting the Center’s new Lifetime Learning program as a speaker or with post-lecture receptions. Perhaps you would like to usher at the Alden. There are lots of different needs and opportunities for involvement.
Email us at and let us know what you are interested in. We will coordinate your interests with Friends and Center needs.